Course Descriptions

We'll Show You the Ropes

Access 21 offers a comprehensive range of courses to help you master television or podcast production. Our programs cover studio and field production logistics, advanced editing techniques, and on-location shooting, ensuring you gain the essential skills needed to create high-quality content.

In addition to technical skills, we offer scriptwriting classes to help you craft compelling narratives. To keep you updated with industry trends, we host quarterly seminars on advanced topics. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, Access 21 is dedicated to helping you turn your creative ideas into professional media programs.

James directing high school students in Control Room

Click below to learn about our programs

Before producing a program on Access 21, you must attend this half-day course to learn the logistics of producing a television program in the studio and/or the field and the specific requirements at CMPAC. A written test will be administered at the end of the session, which will concentrate on the Rules & Regulations (you should have read before class). Following the successful completion of this workshop, members can begin the process to register their program for the next available programming quarter by submitting a Program Information Sheet.

1 Session
Saturday 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Basic Studio

Introductory course for working in the studio. This course covers the operation of the studio cameras, basic lighting, set design, and floor directing. Students will also learn the basics of shot composition, safety procedures, and rules of the studio. The course will include the taping of short programs as a practical test, as well as written quizzes. Following the final session, each student will also be required to serve on 4 volunteer lab sessions for current producers.

4 sessions
Thursdays 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
or Saturdays 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Control Room

The next step in studio production. This course teaches the students how to operate the audio board, character generator (graphics), playback/recording, and switcher. As with the Basic Studio course, the course will include the taping of short programs as a practical test, as well as written quizzes. Following the final session, each student will also be required to serve on 4 volunteer lab sessions for current producers.

Prerequisite: Basic Studio
4 sessions
Thursdays 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
or Saturdays 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Basic Directing

For those students wishing to learn the basics of leading a studio production. Before taking this course, you should be proficient and comfortable with the other positions of the studio and control room. The course will concentrate on the logistics of guiding a crew and the “rules of directing”. The final class will include a practical test of directing a short program along with your fellow students. Following the last class, you will be required to mentor under certified Directors for 4 volunteer lab sessions.

Prerequisite: Control Room + 6 months practical experience
3 sessions
Thursdays 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Final Cut Pro X Basics

Introduction to non-linear editing using the program Final Cut Pro X. After a brief overview of Mac computers, students will learn how to capture video and audio into the computer, edit clips together, add transitions and graphics, use special effects, and record their finished product onto DVD or as an MPEG2 file. Instructors will also review effective workflows and file storage. A majority of the class time will be devoted to hands-on practice. A practical test (in the form of editing labs) is required for completion. Once certified, members can have a CMPAC hard drive assigned to them, or bring their own to use on the edit suites.

4 Sessions
Wednesdays 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM, or 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM


Motion Basics

This class is designed to teach students revolutionary real-time motion graphics. Motion, one of the additional products in the Final Cut Pro Suite, is an industry-leading program intended to add more punch and pizzazz to the graphic elements of your program. The class will include lots of hands-on practice time, and end with a written test.

Prerequisite: Final Cut Pro X Basics
3 Sessions
Mondays 7:00 PM -9:00 PM

Field Production

The introductory course for members wishing to shoot outside of the studio. Students will learn the basics of field camera work, lighting, and audio. The course will include on-location shooting projects that address the topics of the class. You must have access to a field camera to participate in this class.

3 Sessions
Fridays 6:30 PM -9:00 PM


Scripts are a necessary part of your pre-production planning. Learn the different styles of scripts for television studio, documentaries, and movies. Students will write examples of each style, to be reviewed by the instructor and classmates each week. At the end of the class, students should be familiar with all the styles, know which are best for different types of programs, and be ready to properly plan their own programs.

Prerequisite: Producer Workshop


Saturday Seminars

Once a quarter, CMPAC will offer seminars on various subjects to expand the knowledge of our members and producers. Sample topics include: Set Construction, On-Air Talent, Promoting Your Program, Green Screen, and Advanced Lighting. Ideas for new topics are always welcome. The seminars are either held as two 90-minute seminars, or as a full 3-hour workshop, depending on the topic and time required. A snack break is included as a chance to mix and mingle and get re-energized. Seminars do not include tests and do not result in certification.

$5 - Earlybird: 9 days ahead
$10 - Late Deadline: 2 days ahead
Saturdays 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Interested in producing your own show or podcast? Do you dream about being in front of a camera or working behind the scenes?

Check out what our former students are up to!

Our former students have learned the skills to master all aspects of TV production, resulting in top-notch content that they have created for our television programming

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